Easy pull apart epi bread

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  • 8 slices bread
  • 4 slices bacon
  • 2 slices cheese
  • Butter
  • 1 egg, beaten


    First, cut off the crusts from the bread slices.

    Place two slices of bread on your work surface.

    Brush beaten egg on one edge of one bread slice.
    Place second slice of bread next to the first slice, overlapping at the edge.

    Flatten with rolling pin.

    Spread butter on the front portion of the bread.
    Then place bacon slice and cheese on top.
    Brush the edges with egg.
    Roll it up tightly.

    Repeat once more with the two slices of bread.
    Combine together with the first roll and roll up nice and tight.

    Make four incisions on top.
    Make one more by repeating the steps above.

    Bake for 10 minutes at 230 degrees C.

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    1. A

      You are a culinary genius! We loved the recipe.

    2. N

      I think this recipe was amazing!

    3. M

      I love this! So easy to throw together.

    4. S

      Oh my, was this delicious! I made this last night when I thought company was coming over. They ended up staying home and so I had this amazing all to myself.

    5. T

      Thank you for another winner recipe!

    6. W

      Your site is the only one I use because I know everything will end up great!

    7. B

      I made this and it was marvelous!

    8. J

      This is delicious and easy!

    9. J

      Oh my goodness this is the most amazing recipe ever!

    10. M

      I love making this!

    11. A

      So nice .. i wish i could make these

    12. j

      Excellent dish!

    13. J

      Thanks. It's delicious.

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